This project shows my first tries building an RC plane
These are the parts I have used or upgraded to since the video:
Radiolink AT9 RC controller + R9DS receiver
A2212/13T 1000KV brushless motor and an electric speed controller (ESC) HLW XXD-30A
Optionally, you can use a battery tester while flying to protect your plane and battery
3x 9g servo motors SG90 and some 1mm stainless steel wire to control the control surfaces
Additionally some connectors like XT60 (ESC side to match the battery), some kind of bullet connectors for the motor side (my 3,5mm seemed a bit oversized)
I’m charging my batteries with the IMAX B6 charger. It can balance up to 6S batteries. The output connector for the power leads is standard 4mm. There are some adapters included sometimes. I’m simply using 4mm to alligator cable.
Where to get them
These links should help to find the stuff by using them you are supporting my work (affiliate). I tried hard to find the cheapest parts since I also paid the stuff myself 😉
RadioLink AT9 with receiver:
on Aliexpress (I have used this supplier 89$)
on Ebay .de
Quadrocopter set which contains the ESCs, the brushless motors, and the props:
on Aliexpress (I also have my stuff from here)
on Ebay .de
SG90 servos:
on Aliexpress($1.20/piece)
on Ebay .de
MG90S servos (the same size with metal gears. I’m using these in non-trash projects):
on Aliexpress($1.80/piece)
on Ebay .de
3S LiPo Batteries (I don’t buy them in China since there are air shipping restrictions in place):
on Ebay .de
XT60 on Aliexpress (I ordered here) on Ebay .de
Bullet connectors different sizes on Aliexpress on Ebay .de
3mm Bullet Connector on Aliexpress (I ordered here)
Battery tester:
on Aliexpress ($1.09)
on Ebay .de
IMAX B6 charger:
on Aliexpress
on Ebay .de
I got the steel wire from the hardware store. Sheet metal can also be found there… I just used some old sheet metal from a broken printer.
This is how the plan electronics have to be connected. The ESC provides the power to the receiver and the servos
The servos and the ESC has to be connected to the receiver with the signal line to the top
In the case of the R9DS the connections are like this: the most right two connectors are for the elevons, then comes the connector for the ESC then the servo for the rudder
There is no specific way in which the three wire to the motor should be connected. If the motor turns in the wrong direction (and you are not building some kind of backward flying plane) just swap two of the connections. This will reverse it.
You can connect a battery monitor to the balancing connector of the battery. This will alarm you if the battery is almost empty. So you don’t destroy your battery and crash your plane. (But this would probably require your plane to fly longer than 1.6sec 😀 )
Control surfaces
I have used a thick wire and a piece I cut from an aluminium sheet to control the surfaces
The Wire has to be bent on both ends like a small lightning. This can be fiddled into the holes and if will not fall out when the servo arm is screwed in place(the regular servo arm hole is 1mm in diameter, 1mm steel wire is sufficient)
Balancing (spoilers ahead)
As you have seen in the video the plane made a backflip before crashing into the ground. Many people suggested that the plan had a bad center of gravity.
My plane was tail heavy.. and this video describes it the best:
Interesting web links and channels
If you have a nice project, contact me and I’ll link it here
FliteTest YouTube channel beginner series tons of useful information.
iforce2d YouTube Channel, I’m watching his stuff for ages. Cool dude!
RC projects of one of my Patreon supporters. German and some English articles