Huge Ping Pong LED Wall

The journey continues. A few months ago I built an LED Wall and the video on the went viral (for my level at least).

Still there is potential for more so I spent even more money on LEDs Aluminium sheets. Since drilling 300 holes in the first wall was already painful enough I thought why not build a hole punch first. Turned out to be a lot of work but I wouldn’t want to miss that valuable welding lesson.

Not that the punch is ready it was time to manufacture the wall. There have been moments where I was surprised how professional it looks. That made some Instagram pics 😀
The punch worked as well but it still took me around four hours to punch all the 1200 holes. The frame was welded and it was the first time I tried to weld Aluminium properly. Butt joints are painful let me tell you. But watch for yourself and enjoy